What is the purpose of "My Favorites" list?
The purpose is to allow members to gather in a list all the women they want to contact later.
Therefore, this list was made to be temporary.
Once you make a contact to a member that was previously in your "My favorites" list, then she will be automatically relocated to the "Contacts" list.
Note that once you add a member to your "My favorites" list, you will automatically be listed in her "Admirer" list.
How do I add a member to "My Favorites" list?
If you desire to add a member to your "My favorites" list, all you have to do is:
1 - Log in 2 - Go to the desired member profile 3 - Click the button "Add to favorites"
Note that once you add a member to your "My favorites" list, you will automatically be listed in her "Admirer" list.
Important: if the member is already in your "Contacts" list, then won't be a "Add to favorites" button in her profile.
Why I cannot see the "Add to favorites" button in the member's profile?
The reason is because the member you desire to add to your "My favorites" list is already in your contact list.
What happens when I add a member to "My Favorites" list?
Once you add a member to your "My favorites" list, you will automatically be listed in her "Admirer" list.